Public spaces can radiate a kind significance that you can feel, and when those spaces are less populated it can resonate in a longing way that feeds the void. The hallways of the Arcade can hold hundreds of people and look spacious yet cozy in the way a church or atrium does, made to house a gathering. When more vacant, there is a liminal quality to the hall as you travel through the stairwells and balconies without crossing paths with a soul.
Spaces can reverberate our already available emotions, but they may also compel independent emotions that can elicit a feeling of identity, belonging and of pride for one's community. A journey through spaces that unabashedly show their age become a channel for those histories in an visceral way that can be captured or experienced in the present.

Two Studios: The Arcade, Nashville TN, 2021. Digital photograph.

Two Studios: The Arcade, Nashville TN (tad826), 2021. Van Dyke brown photographic print.

Old Post Office: The Arcade, Nashville TN, 2021. Van Dyke brown photographic print.

Old Post Office: The Arcade, Nashville TN (tad829), 2021. Van Dyke brown photographic print.