All energy on earth's surface is sourced from the sun. As plants convert sunlight into storable energy, it is up to other organisms to convert those sugars and carbohydrates into muscle proteins. All animal protein derives from plants, even the beef you ate for lunch. The energy of life is a trickling of energy exchange, and many species make up the chain.
Plant Protein Chain, 2021. Mixed media collage.
Cattle have multi-chambered stomachs that act as a perfect culture for breaking down and digesting the nutrients that grass has to offer. The transfer cycle of energy from thermal to chemical is a game all organisms on earth play. People have the ingenuity to learn about this cycle, but that knowledge is often misdirected or intentionally obscured.
Whether you prefer to get you energy from animal or plant derived protein, it is an important fact that we understand our impact on the chain.
This collage is a way of visually showing the relationship that organisms and humans have to the plant-sourced energy.