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Writer's pictureTyler A Deem

Pauta Gotita - Van Dyke Brown Design Print

Pauta Gotita de la Razón Auréa

(Golden Ratio Droplet Pattern)

An illustration inspired by an Argentinian pattern of steppe-like shapes, using the Golden Ratio as a guide for measurements. It is composed of the unique and ubiquitous droplet shape, a recurring symbol in my work and in cultures and art throughout history, which follow the structure of sections and triangles formed in the spaces. This drawing is the primary imagery to be used in the next Van Dyke Brown collage, a template for multiple photographic prints.

The patterns are meant to have an almost organic, molecular-like organization, but also a quality of chaotic and random structure. A tessellating pattern that is self-similar, the steppe-like blocks repeat from the center, as if unfolding from the middle or receding into space.

There is a swirling motion to the blocks that circle the center, but these blocks are also composed of curving arms within,and like the eddies and whirlpools of a water current have swirling motions as well.

Pauta Gotita de la Razón Auréa, 2019. Illustration and Van Dyke Brown Print.


Style Inspiration

-Stained-glass windows of cathedrals

-Spider webbing

- Membrane and vein patterns in a leaf

-Natural unfolding pattern like the overlapping of leaves along a stem, or the petals of a flower

-Molecular Composition: Forms are seen from distance, but up close are composed of smaller and smaller segments/sections

Properties of Design

1. Golden Ratio


3. Tessellation

4.Increasing Complexity (Molecular)

5. Asymmetrical Reflection

6. Spiraling Motion

7 Cavity Recession Layering

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