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Manifestations: Unveiling Creativity in New Art Book!

Tyler A Deem
Oct 31, 2017
Among the Witness of Cells: Macabre Multi-media Collage
Macabre Multi-media Collage: Environments of the Cell Among the Witness of Cells, 2017. Pigments, Vandyke Brown and Cyanotype print...

Tyler A Deem
Aug 21, 2017
Nashville Phenomenon: Full Solar Eclipse
August 21st has finally arrived, and as we gathered in parks and streets in Nashville, I did my best to capture the illuminating textures...

Tyler A Deem
Aug 2, 2017
Visual Poetry: Touch and Sight
Touch and Sight Looking down as what small thing is, what difference is there from petal to skin? The surfaces makes contact, but the...

Tyler A Deem
May 4, 2017
Witness of Perception: Vandyke Collage
Starting with an older photograph I have taken and reprinted at 8"x10": Idiosyncrasy of Nature, 2013. I wanted to stencil new depths in a...

Tyler Deem
Jan 24, 2017
Reflections on Light: Aldous Huxley
Heaven and Hell: Aldous Huxley (1956) On Vision "...the impossible paradox and supreme truth--- that perception is (or at least can be,...

Tyler A Deem
Mar 15, 2016
The Luminous and the Grey - A Summary of Colors
Reflecting on Chromophobia, David Batchelor reverberates the mysteriousness of color in culture and art in his 2014 book The Luminous and...

Tyler A Deem
Feb 21, 2016
Reflections on Color
(Excerpt from notebook, originally written 7/11/15) Without time, there is no transfer of energy, so there is no visual or audio; No...

Tyler A Deem
Oct 6, 2015
Spinning in Time
Rosario, Argentina, 2013 As the world spins, so do I Like a top on a table. Spinning visions from my eyes, I view myself detatched from...

Tyler A Deem
Oct 2, 2015
Artistic Motivation
I. Trepidation Since I have earned my degree and finished school, I have invested less in my art. It is difficult to orient your life...
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